Hair type
Each hair has its own weak points and is different. The diet or stress also affect a healthy scalp and beautiful hair. Every hair always has the same rhythm: waxing, resting, falling out. How fast a hair grows, how long it lingers and how fast it turns out depends on several factors. We can positively influence our hair through a healthy diet, avoidance of stress and proper hair care. But to find the right care, it is important for the time being to determine your hair type. Do you have shaggy or shiny hair, greasy or dry hair? For every hair type, there are special care series that already deal with the problem during hair washing. It is best, however, to avoid unnecessary hardships such as daily blow-drying, straightening or washing if possible, and to treat the hair again and again a styling break. Then the body can provide with its own materials for a good supply of the hair roots. Damaged hair can be recognized on a strawy, dull surface, in the worst case in combination with split ends and hair breakage. Once that's done, you need to give your hair rich care and regular styling pauses. Particularly distressing is the change in hair color. Because certain hair types react extremely sensitively to the chemical processes and break off quickly.
But what kind of hair type are you?
Hair type dry hair
Due to environmental influences, heating air, sunlight and frequent styling with high heat, the hair is deprived of moisture - they literally dry out. Curly and wavy hair structures are by nature already rather dry. If you belong to the hair type of dry hair, you should always drink plenty of water and use a moisturizing skin care line. Be sure to wash your hair only every 2-3 days with a mild shampoo and let it air dry at best. Carefully handle your hair, as this will prevent split ends and hair breakage.
MSRP €45.90
MSRP €45.90
MSRP €46.10
available again shortly
MSRP €45.90
MSRP €45.90
MSRP €29.90
MSRP €23.55
Hair type fine, thin hair
Often, natural blond people suffer from very fine, thin hair, because lighter hair has a finer hair texture than dark hair. Fine and thin hair is particularly sensitive and should be treated with a special care range that is rich but does not add weight to the hair. After shampooing, always use a conditioner that will provide moisture and fabrics into your hair and then seal them. With proper care, the hair looks fuller and fuller.
MSRP €11.90
MSRP €34.90
MSRP €45.90
MSRP €45.90
MSRP €45.90
MSRP €45.90
MSRP €26.90
MSRP €21.30
Hair type colored hair
If you have changed your hair color, you belong to the hair type of colored hair. A coloration penetrates deep into the hair structure and settles there with its pigments. Bleaching is different. Here almost all pigments are removed from the hair. The most gentle is the hair tint, which lays only as an outer layer around the hair. Colored hair needs a special color care, which keeps the color as long as possible and closes the roughened pores, to protect them from external influences.
Leave-In Care
Hair Treatment
MSRP €22.35
MSRP €22.35
Hair Treatment
MSRP €18.00
MSRP €29.95
Hair type blond, grey hair
If you belong to the hair type of blond and grey hair, you should pay attention to a rich care, which replenishes the porous hair structure and brings the hair to shine. Blond and grey hair contains hardly any color pigments, the surface of the hair is roughened. Therefore, these hair types often struggling with straw, hard to handle hair. Proper care can make hair supple and shiny. Above all, the hair is protected with the right care from external influences.
MSRP €22.35
MSRP €22.35
MSRP €29.95
MSRP €29.95
MSRP €23.80
MSRP €32.50