Developer / Oxidant

Developer / Oxidant

If you want to dye your hair permanently, you need a developer/oxidant.

More Information on Developer / Oxidant

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What is a developer/oxidant?

A developer, also known as a developer, oxidant or emulsion, is usually Hydrogen peroxide in the field of hair dyes. A developer is always used in conjunction with color formers, i.e. oxidation dyes. The color only becomes visible through the combination of developer and color former. The developer is responsible for removing the existing Color pigments, only then can the new color settle in the hair.

Developers are available in concentrations of 1.9% - 12% and, depending on the concentration, a more intensive lightening of the hair is achieved. With oxidative hair dyes, you can cover up to 100% of gray hair and lighten your hair by 6-8 shades. However, hairdressers only recommend a lightening of 2-3 shades so as not to damage the hair. The developer removes the hair's own color pigments and this process severely damages the hair. If you use a Hair color with developer, you should always adhere to the recommended application time to achieve the desired result.

A developer is therefore an important component of a hair dye. There is no developer in Hair tints, these are purely direct-acting dyes that are only applied to the outer layer of hair and do not penetrate deep into the hair structure. Hair dyes can therefore be easily washed out again. Hair dyes with developer anchor themselves deeply and firmly in the hair structure and grow out again.