Semi Permanent Color

Semi Permanent Color

If your hair color has become a little boring, dull and dull, you can easily refresh your hair with a hair tint.

More Information on Semi Permanent Color

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What is the difference between a hair tint, an intensive tint and a hair dye?

A direct hair tint does not require any ammonia, other oxidizing agents or alcohol. Nothing needs to be stirred, mixed or shaken, as no developer is used for direct hair tinting. These mild hair tints are also known as direct pullers or acid tints. The Pigments are only deposited on the surface of the top cuticle layer of the hair. The cuticle layer is smoothed out considerably, resulting in a radiant shine. A hair tint is simply washed out of the hair evenly after approx. 6-8 washes.

An intensive tint, on the other hand, must be mixed with a Developer/Oxidants. In return, the tint lasts much longer in the hair and only washes out slightly over time. However, a build-up can still occur, so you should retint regularly. Gray hair can be covered up to 70% with intensive tints.

A right hair color penetrates deep into the hair and has to grow out, so it cannot be washed out. Gray hair can be covered up to 100% here. A developer/oxidant is also required here, which should be matched to the respective hair texture and the desired result.

The advantage of hair tinting is that it does not damage your hair. You can tint your hair at any time and the result is vibrant, fresh and shiny hair with a beautiful depth of color. You can also change your style again and again after a short time. Unfortunately, hair tints are not suitable for completely covering gray or white hair or for lightening hair. If you want to lighten your hair, you need to use hair dye or Bleaching. Hair tint is available in the frequently used cream form, but also as a foam tint or gel.

In which case should I use a direct hair tint?

A direct hair tint is the right choice for the following results:

  • to achieve more shine and luminosity
  • to darken your hair up to one tone
  • to intensify your natural shade
  • to bring light nuances into your hair
  • as preparation if you want to dye light hair darker
  • to conceal the first gray hair (up to max. 10% gray content)
  • to achieve a greater depth of color in the hair

As direct-acting hair dyes do not damage the hair and wash out again after 6-8 washes, you can see how the new Farbton and whether you want to dye it permanently or would rather try a completely different shade in a few weeks.

How long does a hair tint last?

The durability of your hair dye depends on the condition of your hair structure. The rougher your cuticle is, the better the color pigments can adhere to it. A rough cuticle layer exists, for example, if your hair is damaged and damaged. If your hair has a rather smooth cuticle, a tint will not hold as well, as a hair tint does not penetrate the inside of the hair, but only attaches to the outer surface. You can imagine the hair like a sponge. The rougher the surface, the more color can settle in the openings. Not as much color can settle on a smooth surface. In addition, the hair is electrically charged, a tint has an opposite electrical charge. This means that hair and tint automatically attract and adhere to each other. You can imagine this physical process like a magnet. Depending on the initial situation of your hair structure, a direct-acting hair tint will last for 6-8 washes. So if you have severely damaged hair, a direct-acting hair tint is ideal as it smoothes the top cuticle layer and makes the hair look shiny and healthy again. As a direct hair dye does not damage the hair at all, the process can be repeated again and again without causing any great stress.

Application of a direct hair dye

First determine your initial hair color and decide which color direction you want to go in (red, hazelnut brown, deep dark brown, etc.). If you have very thick or long hair, you should always have two packs of tint ready so that a uniform result is achieved and you do not run out of hair tint in the middle of the application. The application time only begins when the hair tint has been completely applied. So do not include the application time. If your hair is very damaged, you should choose a shorter application time so as not to put too much strain on the hair.

The hair tint can be applied to towel-dried or slightly damp hair. Afterwards, you should condition your hair intensively so that the hair tint stays in your hair for longer.

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