Olivia Garden Technikkamm-Set ST
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Olivia Garden Technikkamm-Set ST

Comb set


4 combs for coloring techniques in a set. One each comb ST-1, ST-2, ST-3 and ST-4.

Professional high-tech combs for all hair cosmetic techniques. CARBON TECHNOLOGY makes the combs very durable, very light, almost unbreakable and heat-resistant up to 220 degrees C. ION TECHNOLOGY (ionized brush teeth) for smooth hair, more shine and shine and for restoring hair health.

Brand Olivia Garden
Product Type Comb Set
Comb Types Haircutting Comb

Manufacturer Contact

Olivia Garden S.A. Zoning Industriel des Hauts-Sarts, Rue de Hermee, 255, 4040 Herstal - BE | [email protected]

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